Divisional News

Divisional Visit to The Ancient College Gateway

The Ancient College Gateway RCC Conclave No 259 celebrated the first visit, in many years, by the Deputy intendant General, Ill. Kt. Rob Wilsher. A number of very welcome Divisional Officers accompanied him. A business meeting consisting of elections, the presentation of a Red Cross certificate to Dr Bob Fisher by the Deputy Intendant-General, followed by a short talk on the legend of the foundation of the Order(given by the Recorder) 22 Worthy Knights sat down to a sumptuous 4 course meal afterwards.

The Annual Church Service has made a return .

On Sunday 10th September we saw the restoration of the Divisional Annual Church Service which was cancelled last year due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II, and was this year held at the East Malling Church of St. James the Great under the direction of the Divisional High Prelate, the Rev Howard Pashley, who is known in many of the Masonic Orders within Kent.  The afternoon was enhanced by the wonderful Organ playing by the resident Organist as well as the local choir and was attended by many knights of the Order together with their Ladies.  The lessons were read by the Intendant-General, R. Ill. Kt. David Green and a Past Intendant-General, R. Ill. Kt. Peter Williams, who is currently the PGM of the Kent Mark. The thought-provoking sermon by the Rev Howard Pashley based upon the Israelites being confronted with the challenge of snakes during their escape from Egypt under Moses, challenged the knights of the Red Cross to stand firm in their Christian beliefs to overcome all difficulties and dangers.  After the ceremony, the assembled congregation enjoyed tea & coffee provided by the ladies of the church, whilst those requiring something a little bit stronger repaired to the King & Queen public house opposite.

July 2023

Congratulations to P Kt David Pearson of the Durovernon Conclave on his appointment to the Grand Sepulchre Guard, having been invested by the Grand Sovereign.